The Facts About Payday Loans Explained
Payday loans may feel confusing if you’ve never had to get one. But the reality is that payday loans are simple, straightforward, and easy to understand once you know a few key facts. Just like with any loan, you have to do your research and make sure you understand the key information. If you’re looking to get a payday loan, here are the facts about payday loans you need to know.
Here Are The Facts You Need To Know About Payday Loans
What Is A Payday Loan?
A payday loan is a short-term loan that helps bridge the gap between pay periods when you need help with emergency expenses. When we say emergency expenses, we mean things that suddenly hit you while you are in between pay periods at work. These can be things like medical expenses, late utility bills, or an emergency home repair – basically any expenses that can’t be put off for later.
When you come to Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc., we can help you get payday loan cash and understand the facts about payday loans you need to know. The good thing about our loan is you don’t need collateral and you can qualify even if you don’t have a great credit history. Plus, we are available to help you whenever you need us.
What Do I Need To Get A Payday Loan?
One of the important facts about payday loans you should know is what required items are needed to qualify with us. To be approved, you’ll need some basic information including a driver’s license or a state-issued photo ID. In addition, you’ll want to have your most recent pay stub from your employer; we use your pay stub as proof of your income to determine how much you could get if you are approved.
Besides your driver’s license or ID and your paystub, you’ll also need a blank check from an active checking account in your name. This allows us to look into your finances and also helps us determine if you qualify for approval. Once you have these items, you can get started on our process and find out within 30 minutes of arriving at the store if you’ve been approved.
Who Needs A Payday Loan?
One of the simplest facts about payday loans is also one of the hardest to swallow: not everyone needs one. If you need money for an emergency medical expense, home or auto repair, or emergency travel, then a payday loan is an option you can use to get the cash you need before your next paycheck. You should not use this loan for frivolous purchases.
If you need the money, always make sure you have measures in place to repay it based on time. If you have any questions on how your loan needs to be repaid, all you need to do is ask. Remember that you repay the loan with your next paycheck – usually in two weeks – so if you need a longer timeframe or a higher amount, consider other types of loans based on your needs.
How Do I Get Started With Nevada Payday Loans?
To get started on a payday loan, all you need to do is fill out the online form on our website. Once you’ve filled out the form, a representative from the nearest Nevada payday loan location will contact you to answer your questions and set up an appointment for you to come in. The representative will also go over the required items to make sure you are prepared.
The representatives are there to help make the process as streamlined as possible. Once you’ve had a chat with the representative, the next step is to visit the store with the items. Once we’ve had a chance to assess your items, the representative will let you know whether or not you are approved and how much you can qualify for.
If you are approved, you’ll be able to get the money for the loan that day or potentially the next bank business day. Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc. offers loans ranging from $100 to $500, so we have something to fit your needs. And, again, you can still qualify for approval even if you have a poor credit score. In fact, we don’t report your loan to any credit agencies.
Get Started With Nevada Title And Payday Loans, Inc. Today!
Medical emergencies, utility expenses, or other major bills can leave you feeling very stressed out and overwhelmed. If you need a short-term loan, now you're armed with facts about payday loans to get you started. Payday loans aren’t as confusing to understand as you may have thought, and we are here to help. Fill out the online form to begin the simple process today.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.