Say Goodbye To Financial Stress With A Payday Loan
Money is one of the biggest stressors in our lives. And by that we mean, not having enough money. Financial stress is tough to deal with and can even be dangerous for your health.
You can get a payday loan with Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc. to help you stretch your dollars further between paychecks. Payday loans allow you to borrow against the fact that you have a job that provides you with income. These are loans designed to help you pay for unexpected expenses without having to skip any bills.
You don't need to live with financial stress weighing you down. In this post, we're looking at the payday loan and how it can help you stay on track with your finances. Keep reading to learn more.
Who Should Apply For A Payday Loan?
Anyone who has a job that needs extra cash fast can apply for a payday loan. There's no need to wait until you get paid to take care of the bills and expenses that you need to pay before that.
You don't have to have the best credit, nor do you have to credit at all. You just need to have a way to prove your income.
What Do I Need To Apply For A Payday Loan?
You will need your state-issued ID or driver's license. Proof of identity includes one of these that is issued by your state government and has a photo.
You'll also need a recent bank statement, as well as a blank check for that account.
Finally, you'll need to show your most recent pay stub. The loan specialist is just looking to make sure you have the means to pay the loan back.
How Much Can I Borrow?
Payday loans are more short-term than most other types of loans. Since this is the case, the lenders want to know if you'll be able to pay the loan back in full in that short time period.
You can borrow up to $500 in Nevada against your paycheck and employment.
Keep in mind that if you don't make enough for the specialist to want to approve your loan amount, you'll need to accept a lower amount.
Do I Need To Go Into A Store?
You don't need to go into a store location to get the loan process started. However, you will be asked to go into a store to show your documents. You can look on this website to find our thirteen locations, or you can ask the representative you speak to on the phone for store location information.
How Do I Repay My Loan?
This is a short-term loan. So, generally, that means you're supposed to pay back the entire loan when you receive your next paycheck.
That being said, you can work it out with your loan specialist to give you a little longer sometimes to make it more manageable for you.
In any event, don't ever just leave it alone and skip payments. It's terrible for your credit and it ruins you being able to take another payday loan in the future, should you need to.
If you think you're going to be late on a payment or know you can't cover it, call your loan representative. If we can help you, we will. We try to make it easier for people to stay on track with their loan payments.
How Fast Can I Get The Cash I Need?
The point of payday loans is to help people when they're in need of extra cash. We cannot expect our clients to sit around wondering when the cash is going to come in.
We've streamlined our process so much, you can get your cash before you even leave to go home. Our goal is to help you with your financial stress, so we know you don't have time to wait.
Do I Have To Have A Checking Account?
Payday loans are not approved for anyone who doesn't have a paycheck. We want to know you have income coming in, as well as, somewhere to put that income and to make payments from.
You are required to have an open and active checking account in your name. This is required because it is more reassuring you'll be making the payments back to us.
You don't have to struggle and stress over your finances. Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc. offers payday loans that could solve the issues you're having. These loans let you use your income as collateral to get extra cash into your bank account. It doesn't take long. It doesn't take much.
You can start your process completely online and finish things up in your nearest store location. You have a good chance of walking out of that store with the cash you need.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.