payday loan sign with money

What You Need To Qualify For Las Vegas Payday Loans

Everyone needs a little help sometimes. Whether you just got an unexpectedly large utility bill, your car needs new brakes or urgent medical care; you can turn to Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc. for emergency cash

Getting a payday loan at Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc. is easy once you know what you need to qualify! You'll need to gather a few documents and head to your nearest location to complete your application. Keep reading to learn more about what you need to be eligible for Las Vegas payday loans.

How Can I Qualify For Las Vegas Payday Loans?

All loans have specific requirements or qualifications that you must meet. Some lenders have more requirements than others. For example, some lenders may require you to have a particular credit score for you to apply for their loans. Other lenders may need an official email address and phone number to be contacted. To qualify for Las Vegas payday loans, you must meet three requirements:

  1. You must be at least 18 years of age.
  2. You must have a job and have received at least one paycheck from that job.
  3. You must have an active checking account registered in your name.

Best of all, our Las Vegas payday loans do not require a good credit score. In fact, you do not need to have credit at all! At Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc., we welcome borrowers from all credit backgrounds to apply for a Las Vegas payday loan.

man with cash from Las Vegas payday loans

What Documents Do I Need?

 If you meet the qualifications, you must compile the required documents. When you are ready to apply, you will need the following documents:

  1. A valid state-issued I.D. like a driver's license;
  2. A copy of your most recent paycheck; and
  3. A blank check is linked to an active checking account registered in your name.

After compiling these three documents, you can apply for your payday loan! Collecting these documents beforehand saves you valuable time when completing your application at the store. It's as easy as that.

Can I Still Qualify If I Have Bad Credit?

Bad credit can feel like a heavy weight on your shoulders. It can be challenging and take time to improve your credit score, especially in an emergency. Other lenders may have turned you away because of bad credit, but luckily you can qualify for a payday loan even if you have bad credit.

Feel free to start an online inquiry if your credit is low. Representatives will still consider you if you have bad credit. This is because payday loans are based on your paycheck rather than your credit score. Bring proof of your income; you could qualify for up to $500 the same or the next day when approved. 

What Are Payday Loans Used For?

Sometimes you need money fast and don’t have time to go through qualifying for a traditional loan. Or may you have tried getting a conventional loan from a bank, and they told you that you don't qualify. That is where Las Vegas payday loans can help. Payday loans offer quick cash advances on your next paycheck without all the traditional loan requirements.

Traditional loans typically have additional requirements that Las Vegas payday loans do not need to have. This means that when your car breaks down, and you need repair money fast, a payday loan could help you out. If you or your family member has an urgent medical expense, a payday loan can help you cover that expense until your next paycheck.

payday loans woman with cash

Get Started Today!

Visit a Nevada Title and Payday Loans Inc. store today to get your payday loan. You could receive up to $500 the same or the next day once you are approved. All you need to get started is your driver's license, last paycheck, and a blank check.

A representative will review these items for you and determine how much money you are eligible for. Once you've been approved, you fill out a few simple forms, and then you get to leave with your cash! That's right; you do not need excellent credit to get your emergency cash. 

At Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc., we do our best to make acquiring payday loans as quick and easy as possible. Our representatives are happy to answer any questions you have over the phone or in-store. Fill out an online inquiry form, and a representative will contact you immediately.

So, what are you waiting for? Get the emergency cash you need with a payday loan from Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc. Our representatives look forward to hearing from you!

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Louis Tully

Louis Tully is a full-time finance writer offering financial expertise to everyday consumers. He understands the core values of finance and used his writing talents to share his own experiences with money to his readers. His articles teach how financial failures can easily become successes by making new habits and creating realistic goals.