A Signature Installment Loan Can Help Pay For Essential Car Repairs
An emergency car repair can cost you up to $1,000, and if you don’t have the necessary sum set aside to cover the urgent expense, a loan from Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc. might become your quick and easy way out of the situation.
Below, you will find out how much the most common car repairs cost and how a signature installment loan can help, in case you need to cover a bill as soon as possible.
5 Most Common Car Repairs And Their Costs
1. Spark Plug Replacement
The spark plug is the element that ignites the fuel/air mixture that, in turn, causes the vehicle to move.
Standard spark plugs can wear out quite quickly, and you would have to replace them every 30,000-40,000 miles. If you don’t replace the components on time, you’ll increase the chances of engine problems.
Though a standard spark plug can cost only $2, a professional replacement will most likely cost you anywhere between $100 and $250. Be prepared to pay up to $500 if you have a V6 or V8 engine and platinum or iridium plugs.
2. Oxygen Sensor Replacement
An oxygen sensor measures the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gases that leave the engine. The engine computer then uses the data from the sensors to regulate the fuel mixture.
If the oxygen sensor goes bad, you will most likely have to deal with an illuminated ‘check engine’ light, increased fuel consumption, and engine performance problems. The issue has to be addressed straight away as it can easily lead to additional problems (for example, catalytic converter damage).
Though the replacement of an oxygen sensor is a rather simple task, you might want to have a professional do that for it, if you’re not an experienced DIYer. Do bear in mind, however, that the job might cost you between $200 and $500.
3. Tire Repairs
If you’ve simply run over a nail, a cheap tire patch would fix the problem in a matter of minutes. But you might have to replace the whole tire, if there is a puncture or tear in the sidewall or if it’s too worn.
A set of new tires can cost you a little over $600. Also, expect to pay $20-$35 per tire for installation and balancing.
4. Brake Work
A brake job can run you anywhere between $140 and $1,000 per axle. But even though this might seem like a huge sum, car owners should remember that regular brake service is essential. Furthermore, scheduled maintenance is often required by authorized dealers to keep your car covered under the warranty.
If the parts are not replaced promptly, the brake rotor might eventually get damaged.
5. Ignition System Repairs
If your car is not starting, the key doesn’t turn, or the accessories are not powering on, you can be dealing with a bad ignition switch.
It will cost you up to $250 to replace only the ignition switch and up to $400 to change the whole assembly. You should also be prepared to pay around $100 for reprogramming the key.
How Can A Signature Installment Loan Help?
The majority of Americans do not have enough cash set aside to help them cover an urgent car repair. If you’re one of those individuals or you’d simply prefer to not deplete your savings, a signature installment loan from Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc. can come in handy for you.
FAQs About Signature Installment Loans
What Are The Requirements?
If you decide to do business with our company, you’re only going to need your ID, proof of income, and a checking account statement that is open in your name to take out a signature installment loan.
The loan is unsecured which means that you wouldn’t have to put up any form of collateral.
How Long Will The Process Take?
The in-person process might take only 30 minutes, and if you get approved, you will receive the money the same or the next bank day.
How Much Money Can You Qualify For?
With a signature installment loan from Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc., you can qualify for up to $1,500 in the shortest timeframe.
Take Care Of Your Urgent Expense Today!
Need to deal with an important car repair, but don’t have enough money in your emergency fund to cover the expense? Then you might want to consider going for a loan from such a trustworthy company as Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc.
We have over a dozen locations throughout the state for you to choose from, and you might end up qualifying even if your credit is less-than-perfect. Fill out an inquiry form right now to get contacted by a friendly representative who will help you get started. Don’t miss your chance of receiving up to $1,500 as soon as today!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.