Get Help With Urgent Expenses Using A Title Loan
A title loan offered by Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc. can help pay for any urgent expenses you might have. But could you take out such a loan? When would it make sense to go for one, and can someone with bad credit qualify? Keep on reading to find out!
What Urgent Expenses Can A Title Loan Help With?
For example, a loan is not an option for those wanting to go on a shopping spree or fund their business. But it would certainly come in handy in an emergency situation and when you feel like there is no way out. A title loan can be used to:
1. Pay For Medical Bills
Urgent care can be costly, as well as hospital stays. It might cost you around $30,000 to spend just three days in hospital!
Unfortunately, the situation is the same with vet bills. A routine checkup might cost you up to $200, while the average cost of an emergency vet visit can be as high as $1,500.
2. Take Care Of Necessary Home Repair
Though plenty of house repairs can wait until you set aside enough money, there are situations when even a short delay can lead to terrible consequences. For example, you would have to immediately take care of leaky pipes, a broken water heater, a clogged toilet, a gas leak, or any electrical hazards. The cost of emergency repairs can vary, but you would be billed over a thousand dollars in many cases.
3. Pay For A Funeral
An average funeral can cost you anywhere between $7,000 and $15,000. This includes the viewing, burial, service, fees, casket, embalming, and other essentials. If the deceased did not have life insurance or if the death happened unexpectedly, some people might find it impossible to take care of such an expense.
4. Make Ends Meet During A Rough Period
If you have recently lost your job and you’re waiting to receive your unemployment benefits, covering your basic needs might become quite challenging.
Who Can Take Out A Title Loan?
Though title loan requirements are pretty simple, not everyone can meet them.
- You need to be at least 18 to take out a loan.
- You must own the car outright. Only a lien-free title can be used as collateral to secure a title loan. If you’re still making payments on your vehicle, you might want to consider an alternative loan type.
- The car title must have your name on it. Remember that if your name is not the only one mentioned on the document, you might have to get the other person’s permission to take out a title loan.
If you are not a minor, you own your car outright, and the title is in your name, you may opt for a title loan offered by Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc.
Is It Possible To Get A Title Loan Fast?
With our company, every minute will be well-spent during the loan process. You can get started online whenever you feel like it if you like. Soon after you complete the inquiry form, one of our friendly representatives will call you.
After that, all you would have to do is bring the required items to one of our 13 store locations and wait for the agent to verify your documents and inspect your car. The whole in-person process might take just 30 minutes! If approved, you will receive the much-needed cash the next bank business day or the same day.
Do You Need To Have Perfect Credit To Get A Title Loan?
We at Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc. are committed to helping you get the financial assistance you need in the shortest timeframe. That's why we welcome all types of credit for most loan amounts. This means you might qualify even if your credit is inadequate or non-existent.
Get Help With Urgent Expenses Today!
Whether dealing with a burst pipe, a medical emergency, or higher-than-usual utility bills, a title loan from Nevada Title and Payday Loans, Inc. can help you cover these essential expenses. If you choose to work with our company, you can use our fast and hassle-free process.
We will work with you under any credit situation. Moreover, you do not need a checking account to qualify, and you could continue driving your vehicle while repaying the loan. To get started right now, you must fill out a short inquiry form or contact one of our stores directly.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.